
Blue Uniforms

Sharks named the blue uniforms as the home-based game day wear. The design concept was from co-owner Collins who originally used royal blue in past organization along with the white numbers which has a symbolic spiritual meaning behind it. We honored that concept to carry on that meaning onto our team.

White Uniforms

Sharks named the white uniforms as the away-based game day wear. The design concept was originated from a traditional away uniform to distinguish us from the other team. The white being a vibrant color, will surely please the viewers eyes as its clean and visually appealing.

Red Uniforms

Sharks named the red uniforms as the alternate-based game day wear. The design concept came from the fans and players in which a voting poll took place of whether Gray or Red uniforms would represent the teams tertiary uniform. By a landslide, the Red won and its now going to be in display this season to a field near you.